Children's art classes currently enrolling for:

Summer Arts

Information about Summer Arts 2025 coming soon!

Summer Arts is a fine-art program consisting of weekly classes with two, three-hour classes per day, organized by grade, accommodating children from grades K- 8. These extended duration classes allow for immersive experiences and learning which expands beyond the studio. In addition to classes, there are four unique features of Summer Arts which augment learning; Creative Challenge Period, student portfolio, museum tours, and student exhibitions.

Summer Arts 2024: Opposites

We had so much fun this year learning about Opposites. Please visit the Framingham Public Library main branch to see selected works by our incredible students. There are hundreds of additional pieces on display here at the art school. We will be holding a reception on Friday, October 18 from 5-7pm to celebrate our young artists and recognize outstanding achievements.



Photograph of a group of students outside holding with yellow bags. The girl on the right is wearing one of the bags around her torso.  
Photograph of a humanoid creature covered in brown and black fur and blue and teal feathers.  
Photograph of a seating area with artwork hanging from a railing.  

Consider purchasing a Danforth Museum membership to take advantage of an additional 5% discount.

We understand that children vary in their development widely from grade to grade, and offer classes open to a grade range so parents/guardians may select which class best aligns with their child’s developmental level. Please choose either the grade your child will complete in June 2024, or the grade your child will enter in September 2024.

Classes marked “Wait List” are currently full, but accepting wait list registrations in case of cancellations. Classes marked “Full” have reached max capacity for those on the wait list. Please reach out to us via email if you have any questions,


Session number + Dates
June 24- June 28
Session 1: Grades 2-3: Gigantic & Microscopic
Gr. 2-3
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

The size of objects depicted in artwork can create surprising effects and illustrate the amazing beauty of the very small and the immensity of the very large.  What does it mean to be gigantic?  The Grand Canyon is certainly gigantic to a human hiking along the base of the canyon.  Drawing this scene in the correct scale will show the human figure as a speck next to the towering walls.  To an ant, a potato chip on the grass will also seem gigantic. We will have fun comparing sizes and learning about the opposing effects of scale in art making.







Register For Classes
June 24- June 28
Session 1: Grades 4-5:Gigantic & Microscopic
Gr. 4-5
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

The size of objects depicted in artwork can create surprising effects and illustrate the amazing beauty of the very small and the immensity of the very large.  What does it mean to be gigantic?  The Grand Canyon is certainly gigantic to a human hiking along the base of the canyon.  Drawing this scene in the correct scale will show the human figure as a speck next to the towering walls.  To an ant, a potato chip on the grass will also seem gigantic. We will have fun comparing sizes and learning about the opposing effects of scale in art making.





Register For Classes
June 24- June 28
Session 1: Gr. 6-8: 3D
Gr. 6-8
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

This week, students in grades 6 to 8 explore everything related to 3D artwork; including relief sculpture (can hang on the wall), kinetic (moving) sculpture, environmental sculpture (natural materials displayed outside), and more. Inspired by historical and contemporary examples, students will plan and execute a series of pieces using wood, wire, clay, Papier Mache, natural and found materials, textiles and more.



Register For Classes
June 24- June 28
Session 1: Grades 6-8: 2D
Gr. 6-8
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00 A.M-4:00 P.M.

This week, students in grades 6 to 8 will explore everything related to 2D art. Printmaking processes will be covered, in addition to painting and drawing including techniques with acrylic and watercolor paint, various drawing pencils, charcoal and pastels. Students will also get to experiment with collage and mixed media processes, learning about self-expression, composition, layering and color relationships. We will look at contemporary examples to inspire exciting artwork to fill portfolios.

Register For Classes
July 8-July 12
Session 3: Gr. K-1: Past & Future
Gr. K-1
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

What do the past a future have in common? The present.  How are they most profoundly different? We are inspired by time this week. We will draw on history to illuminate elements of life from the past and we will use our imagination to invent exciting possibilities for the future of our world.


Register For Classes
July 8-July 12
Session 3: Gr. 2-3: Past & Future
Gr. 2-3
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

What do the past a future have in common? The present.  How are they most profoundly different? We are inspired by time this week. We will draw on history to illuminate elements of life from the past and we will use our imagination to invent exciting possibilities for the future of our world.





Register For Classes
July 8-July 12
Session 3: Gr. 4-5: Past & Future
Gr. 4-5
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

What do the past a future have in common? The present.  How are they most profoundly different? We are inspired by time this week. We will draw on history to illuminate elements of life from the past and we will use our imagination to invent exciting possibilities for the future of our world.




Register For Classes
July 8-July 12
Session 3:Grades 6-8: Intro to Fashion Design
Gr. 6-8
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

This is a fun overview of fashion design including how to draw the traditional fashion figure complete with gestures, clothing details and fabric drape. We will cover color theory, concept development, mood board assemblage, and will be introduced to influential designers from the past. By the end of the week, designers will create an original well-presented fashion collection.

Register For Classes
July 8-July 12
Session: 3 Gr. 6-8: Comic Art & Illustration
Gr. 6-8
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Students will explore how artwork and storytelling come together in the form of Comics and Illustration. Develop a comic strip with your own invented characters; learn how to draw a variety of facial expressions, animate objects, imply motion, and use background space in your story. Students will enjoy midday Creative Challenges (creative activities and collaborative play) out of the studio.




Register For Classes
July 15- July 19
Session 4: Gr.K-1: Motion & Stillness
Gr. K-1
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Think about the difference between motion and stillness.  Picture a wave crashing on the beach and then the calm, still water at the pond in the sunrise.  There are numerous examples of things in the opposing states of either moving or being still.  How can we make artwork showing these different situations?  Perhaps a painting of a boat skimming along the water past the statue of liberty, or a mobile of a bird in flight.


Register For Classes
July 15- July 19
Session 4: Gr. 2-3: Motion & Stillness
Gr. 2-3
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Think about the difference between motion and stillness.  Picture a wave crashing on the beach and then the calm, still water at the pond in the sunrise.  There are numerous examples of things in the opposing states of either moving or being still.  How can we make artwork showing these different situations?  Perhaps a painting of a boat skimming along the water past the statue of liberty, or a mobile of a bird in flight.





Register For Classes
July 15- July 19
Session 4: Gr. 4-5: Motion & Stillness
Gr. 4-5
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Think about the difference between motion and stillness.  Picture a wave crashing on the beach and then the calm, still water at the pond in the sunrise.  There are numerous examples of things in the opposing states of either moving or being still.  How can we make artwork showing these different situations?  Perhaps a painting of a boat skimming along the water past the statue of liberty, or a mobile of a bird in flight




Register For Classes
July 15- July 19
Session 4: Gr. 6-8: Wearable Art
Gr. 6-8
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

In this exciting class, students will have the opportunity to experiment and push the boundaries of what is wearable as art! We will learn techniques for upcycling and modifying clothing into art,  creating jewelry and accessories out of unusual materials, screen printing on garments, painting on sneakers and more. Students will learn how to translate personal aesthetic ideas into artistic expression.



Register For Classes
July 22- July 26
Session 5: Gr. K-1: Inside & Outside
Gr. K-1
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Can you be both inside and outside at the same time? Does inside mean the interior of a home, the flesh of a watermelon or the wiring of a computer? Is outside a place or an idea? Does the bird consider her nest to be outside even though it is her home? What is the surface of something which separates outside from inside?  These are all questions we will use to inspire responses in a variety of artwork from paintings and drawings to sculpture.


Register For Classes
July 22- July 26
Session 5: Gr. 2-3: Inside & Outside
Gr. 2-3
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Can you be both inside and outside at the same time? Does inside mean the interior of a home, the flesh of a watermelon or the wiring of a computer? Is outside a place or an idea? Does the bird consider her nest to be outside even though it is her home? What is the surface of something which separates outside from inside?  These are all questions we will use to inspire responses in a variety of artwork from paintings and drawings to sculpture and clay.



Register For Classes
July 22- July 26
Session 5: Gr. 4-5: Inside and Outside
Gr. 4-5
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Can you be both inside and outside at the same time? Does inside mean the interior of a home, the flesh of a watermelon or the wiring of a computer? Is outside a place or an idea? Does the bird consider her nest to be outside even though it is her home? What is the surface of something which separates outside from inside?  These are all questions we will use to inspire responses in a variety of artwork from paintings and drawings to sculpture and clay.




Register For Classes
July 22- July 26
Session 5: Gr. 6-8: 2D
Gr. 6-8
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

This week, students in grades 6 to 8 will explore everything related to 2D art. Printmaking processes will be covered, in addition to painting and drawing including techniques with acrylic and watercolor paint, various drawing pencils, charcoal and pastels. Students will also get to experiment with collage and mixed media processes, learning about self-expression, composition, layering and color relationships. We will look at contemporary examples to inspire exciting artwork to fill portfolios.






Register For Classes
July 29- Aug 2
Session 6: Gr. K-1: Up & Down
Gr. K-1
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

What can you see and what can you imagine when you think of up?  Clouds, skyscrapers, a rainbow colored crystal chandelier over your dinner table. What about down? Deep green moss or your fancy new shoes. This week will be an exploration of what we experience from above and below us.


Register For Classes
July 29- Aug 2
Session 6: Gr 2-3: Up & Down
Gr. 2-3
Wait List
meets 5 times , 9:00 A.M-4:00 P.M.

What can you see and what can you imagine when you think of up?  Clouds, skyscrapers, a rainbow colored crystal chandelier over your dinner table. What about down? Deep green moss or your fancy new shoes. This week will be an exploration of what we experience from above and below us.

Register For Classes
July 29- Aug 2
Session 6: Gr. 4-5: Up & Down
Gr. 4-5
Wait List
meets 5 times , 9:00 A.M-4:00 P.M.

What can you see and what can you imagine when you think of up?  Clouds, skyscrapers, a rainbow colored crystal chandelier over your dinner table. What about down? Deep green moss or your fancy new shoes. This week will be an exploration of what we experience from above and below us.

Register For Classes
July 29- Aug 2
Session 6: Gr. 6-8: Intro to Fashion Design
Gr. 6-8
Wail List
meets 5 times , 9:00 A.M-4:00 P.M.

This is a fun overview of fashion design including how to draw the traditional fashion figure complete with gestures, clothing details and fabric drape. We will cover color theory, concept development, mood board assemblage, and will be introduced to influential designers from the past. By the end of the week, designers will create an original well-presented fashion collection.

Register For Classes
Aug 5- Aug 9
Session: 7 Gr. K-1: Man-Made & Natural
Gr. K-1
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Mother nature makes a lot of interesting and beautiful things, and so do we.  Think of the idea of a house; birds live in nests, and humans live in homes. Explore the similarities and differences of man-made and natural objects this week.


Register For Classes
Aug 5- Aug 9
Session: 7 Gr. 2-3: Man-Made & Natural
Gr. 2-3
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Mother nature makes a lot of interesting and beautiful things, and so do we.  Think of the idea of a house; birds live in nests, and humans live in homes. Explore the similarities and differences of man-made and natural objects this week.


Register For Classes
Aug 5- Aug 9
Session: 7 Gr. 4-5: Man-Made & Natural
Gr. 4-5
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Mother nature makes a lot of interesting and beautiful things, and so do we.  Think of the idea of a house; birds live in nests, and humans live in homes. Explore the similarities and differences of man-made and natural objects this week.




Register For Classes
Aug 5- Aug 9
Session: 7 Gr. 6-8: 3D
Gr. 6-8
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Mother nature makes a lot of interesting and beautiful things, and so do we.  Think of the idea of a house; birds live in nests, and humans live in homes. Explore the similarities and differences of man-made and natural objects this week.



Register For Classes
Aug 12 – Aug 16
Session 8: Gr. K-1: Night & Day
Gr. K-1
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

What happens when the sun goes down? We might turn on a light, put on a sweater or climb in a cozy bed. When the sun comes up again, we eat meals, play and work.  Let the sun guide you this week as we look at all of the differences between night and day and what happens during the transitions of dawn and dusk.



Register For Classes
Aug 12 – Aug 16
Session 8: Gr. 2-3: Night & Day
Gr. 2-3
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

What happens when the sun goes down? We might turn on a light, put on a sweater or climb in a cozy bed. When the sun comes up again, we eat meals, play and work.  Let the sun guide you this week as we look at all of the differences between night and day and what happens during the transitions of dawn and dusk.








Register For Classes
Aug 12 – Aug 16
Session 8: Gr. 2-3: Night & Day: Section II
Gr. 2-3
meets 5 times , Aug 12 – Aug 16

What happens when the sun goes down? We might turn on a light, put on a sweater or climb in a cozy bed. When the sun comes up again, we eat meals, play and work.  Let the sun guide you this week as we look at all of the differences between night and day and what happens during the transitions of dawn and dusk.

Register For Classes
Aug 12 – Aug 16
Session 8: Gr. 4-5: Night & Day
Gr. 4-5
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

What happens when the sun goes down? We might turn on a light, put on a sweater or climb in a cozy bed. When the sun comes up again, we eat meals, play and work.  Let the sun guide you this week as we look at all of the differences between night and day and what happens during the transitions of dawn and dusk.









Register For Classes
Aug 12 – Aug 16
Session 8: Gr. 6-8: 2D
Gr. 6-8
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00 A.M-4:00 P.M.

This week, students in grades 6 to 8 will explore everything related to 2D art. Printmaking processes will be covered, in addition to painting and drawing including techniques with acrylic and watercolor paint, various drawing pencils, charcoal and pastels. Students will also get to experiment with collage and mixed media processes, learning about self-expression, composition, layering and color relationships. We will look at contemporary examples to inspire exciting artwork to fill portfolios.

Register For Classes
Aug 19- Aug 23
Session 9: Gr. K-1: Loud & Quiet
Gr. K-1
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

This week is all about sounds, loud, quiet and everything in between. What does silence look like in a painting? Can a color be quiet? What makes some sculptures loud? We will learn about how other artists have created works in response to or using sounds, and create a portfolio of beautiful sounds as artwork.

Register For Classes
Aug 19- Aug 23
Session 9: Gr. 2-3: Loud & Quiet
Gr. 2-3
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

This week is all about sounds, loud, quiet and everything in between. What does silence look like in a painting? Can a color be quiet? What makes some sculptures loud? We will learn about how other artists have created works in response to or using sounds, and create a portfolio of beautiful sounds as artwork.


Register For Classes
Aug 19- Aug 23
Session 9: Gr. 2-3: Loud & Quiet: Section II
Gr. 2-3
Wait List
meets 5 times , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

This week is all about sounds, loud, quiet and everything in between. What does silence look like in a painting? Can a color be quiet? What makes some sculptures loud? We will learn about how other artists have created works in response to or using sounds, and create a portfolio of beautiful sounds as artwork.

Register For Classes
Aug 19- Aug 23
Gr. 4-5: Loud & Quiet
Gr. 4-5
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

This week is all about sounds, loud, quiet and everything in between. What does silence look like in a painting? Can a color be quiet? What makes some sculptures loud? We will learn about how other artists have created works in response to or using sounds, and create a portfolio of beautiful sounds as artwork.


Register For Classes
Aug 19- Aug 23
Session 9: Gr. 6-8: Comics & Illustration
Gr. 6-8
Wait List
Meets 5 days , 9:00AM- 4:00PM

Students will explore how artwork and storytelling come together in the form of Comics and Illustration. Develop a comic strip with your own invented characters; learn how to draw a variety of facial expressions, animate objects, imply motion, and use background space in your story.


Register For Classes

Now Available! Gift Certificates for art classes may be purchased through the Register for Classes Link.


Child's painting with curving stripes of blue, red, black, and purple with stenciled 'LOVE' in diagonally across the center with hearts to the far right top.  
Display of seven hanging sticks with strings attaching various clay shaped objects to each one.  
Photograph of a group of young students painting a chair with blues and greens.  

Important Information for Workshops and Summer Arts

My child is going into Kindergarten, will a full day be too long?

We get this question a lot. At Danforth, we spend a lot of time in consideration of the special requirements of our youngest artists and have modified the daily schedule for their classes to allow time for moving bodies, using the restroom, getting fresh air and taking breaks. They have their own dedicated studio with appropriately sized furniture, bookcases stocked with books and activities for self-directed quiet time. Our instructors are experienced with artistic development for this age group and design lessons and projects to promote experimentation and personal creative expression.  Trained studio assistants are also on hand in the studio to support a fun and comforting learning experience for everyone.

Are supplies included in Summer Arts?

Yes! Danforth provides everything your child needs to have fun experimenting while creating exceptional artwork. We feel it is important to teach fine art using the correct tools and (non-toxic) supplies so children understand from the start how materials are supposed to look and work. School staff are happy to chat with you about art supplies in the event you are interested in creating an at-home art studio for your family, but for Summer Arts, you don’t need to buy a thing!


Will my child visit the art museum during Summer Arts?

Every student who attends Summer Arts participates in a tour of the museum exhibitions as part of their study at the Danforth. Our  tours include discussion about the art and artists featured in the galleries, giving students opportunities to share their perspectives of what they are viewing.

What is the weekly portfolio?

The weekly portfolio is both a practice and an actual large folder. All students are given this folder each week to keep preliminary sketches as well as finished work. We encourage students to reflect on their progress during the week but also after they finish Summer Arts, and keeping their ongoing work in a portfolio promotes a respect for the process in addition to the finished product.

What is the student exhibition?

Our Friday Student Exhibition is an important and well-loved feature of Summer Arts which captures the incredible successes of students in each studio from the week’s immersive study.  Our Studio Assistants work carefully with instructors to design and install these exhibits of student work complete with explanatory labels describing the project objectives and inspiration. We invite families into our studios on Friday afternoons to view the student exhibition. This practice reinforces the importance of craftsmanship for the student as they look forward to showing their work at the end of the week (although exhibiting work is not the only goal of making art).

We also use the exhibition as a way of promoting literacy in speaking about artwork, methods, materials and techniques and to understanding that there is a relationship between a viewer and the artwork that is created.

What is the Creative Challenge Period?

We developed the Creative Challenge Period to help build community among the whole school during lunch break.  The various activities we offer are fun, open-ended challenges which allow mixed peer groups to invent creative solutions in a collaborative setting. The CCP takes place outside, weather permitting with each mixed peer group coordinated by one of our trained Studio Assistants. This year, during CCP, we will maintain cohort groups in order to maximize covid safety.


Can we register for partial week?

No, we design our program to be a progressive and immersive experience for students so that each day builds upon ideas learned previously. Students create a portfolio of work during the week which is presented on Fridays during a special art exhibition.


We registered for a workshop/class but now we can’t come. Can we get a refund?

We understand this happens sometimes. Please call the school as soon as possible if you need to cancel a registration. Cancellations received at least 2 weeks prior to start date will receive a full refund less a $25 cancellation fee. No refund will be issued after this time except in the case of emergencies. Please note that if a registration has been transferred from a class, it cannot be cancelled, but will be issued a credit less a $25 cancellation fee.

My child has some learning differences. How can I share them with the art school staff and teachers?

Danforth school staff and instructors can typically work with all students who register for our programs, and knowing about any differences ahead of time allows everyone to make necessary adjustments to our approaches. If you’d like to contact us about your child for any reason,  please email either the art school manager, Chandra Taylor  or the art school director, Noelle Fournier.