Diamond painting with a rainbow like effect with reds and yellows on the outside fading to green in the middle and purple and blues in the center.

Tim McDonald: The Diamond Sea

In Tim McDonald’s installation, the lyricism takes visual shape, presented as fields of color and abstracted forms.

Abstraction can be a challenge—it can confound and just as easily enlighten, and it leaves itself open to interpretation. These paintings were created in 2020, and serve as a snapshot of one artist’s experience making work in difficult times when, “there seemed to be no escape from the constant pressure of the climate, both political and natural.” On the other hand, lack of noise is an integral part of experiencing McDonald’s work. In creating The Diamond Sea he was painting “toward or into a silence,” making work “that offered a sense of quiet, or reflection, or contemplation.”  Through warm colors, mystical forms, shimmering surfaces, and hushed silence, McDonald’s paintings are meant to be felt across the senses.

Dates: February 15 - June 8, 2025
Participating artists: Tim McDonald
Diamond painting with a rainbow like effect with reds and yellows on the outside fading to green in the middle and purple and blues in the center.
Tim McDonald, pollen explodes the mind’s fading tree line , 2020, Acrylic on panel
Diamond painting with a speckled background of blues and light greens. In the center horizontally are odd elongated sections of speckled purples, pinks, and blacks.
Tim McDonald, notes on water , 2020, Acrylic on panel
Diamond painting with a craig-y surface done in bright greens, purply reds, and black.
Tim McDonald, longleaf , 2020, Acrylic on panel
Diamond painting with a speckled background of blues, greens, reds, and blacks. In the center is a concentration of orange speckles with a yellow center.
Tim McDonald, inner mounting flame , 2020, Acrylic on panel
Diamond painting with a black and blue speckled background and a bright yellow orb in the center, surrounded by a speckled orange radiating band.
Tim McDonald, the drums are the sun he heard a voice say , 2020, Acrylic on panel