Photograph of a gallery installation with grey walls. Painted on the walls in dark grey and white is a table, chairs, and a bench. On the floor is a fabric tie dyed sculpture with three appendages on a dark grey triangular sheet.
Sunday, January 28, 2024, 3 pm

RESCHEDULED DATE – Artist Talk with Kate Holcomb Hale and Noelle Roop

Join Artist Kate Holcomb Hale and psychologist and educator Dr. Noelle P. Roop for a conversation about Kate’s exhibition and how her work connects to Noelle’s recent research on seeking empathy and discovering resilience in artistic practice. The talk begins at 3:00 pm and is free with paid museum admission.

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been rescheduled to Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 3 pm.

About Noelle Roop:  After a decade long career as a school psychologist in the Boston Public Schools, Dr. Roop obtained a faculty position at Tufts University in the graduate school psychology program and Education Department. Her areas of research and teaching include inequities & injustices in education, high stakes standardized testing, trauma and brain development and expressive arts as therapies. Noelle’s most recent research and writing, “Seeking Connection, Centering Empathy, Finding Resilience: Artist Responses to the COVID-19 Lockdown” can be found in the edited collection of essays “Empathic Engagements in Art Pedagogy: History and Practice” (date of publication TBD). She received her doctoral degree from Northeastern University and holds a Masters of Education and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in School Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Artist talk is free with admission.  Register at the link below!

Register Here!
