You belong at the Danforth!

Danforth Art Museum Membership Benefits
Danforth Members Receive:
All Danforth Members are invited to meet a community of artists, and to attend exhibitions and museum events.
Beginning in March 2025 Members receive a 10% discount — double the previous discount — on classes at the Danforth Art School. Individual Memberships receive 10% off one art class per session. Family Memberships enjoy up to four discounts per session at the Art School.
Individual Memberships begin at $50. Members at the Friend Level ($125) and higher are enrolled in the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (NARM), which includes over 1,000 arts, cultural and historical institutions along with botanical gardens, children’s museums, science and technology centers around the world.
For any questions on membership, contact our Membership Coordinator Laura Sher or call her at 508-215-5130.
Membership Levels
Individual memberships receive free admission to the Museum, advance notice of exhibitions and events, members-only discounts on events and art school classes, and membership in the University Art Museum Reciprocal Program.
Family memberships receive the benefits of the Individual membership plus free admission to the Museum for up to two adults and four children.
Friends receive the benefits of the Family membership plus membership in the North American Reciprocal Museum program (NARM).
Patrons receive the benefits of the Friend membership plus a free membership to gift to whomever they choose.
Benefactors receive the benefits of the Patron level plus a private tour led by the Museum’s Director/Curator, Jessica Roscio.
This membership is available to all FSU Faculty, Staff and Students and gives you all the perks of individual membership at no charge!
Senior citizens, Framingham residents, and FSU Alumni qualify for a reduced rate on individual memberships. If qualified, you’ll receive all the perks of individual membership at a 10% discount.
This membership is available to all high school and college students and gives you all the perks of individual membership at a special reduced student rate of $25.
Member libraries receive passes to give out to patrons for a free visit to the Danforth Art Museum. Each free pass is good for up to four people per visit.
Donate to the Danforth — Your support helps fund exhibitions, programs and scholarships.